May 22-25, 2025

2025 Sponsorship Opportunities

Conference App Sponsor: $3,500 | two spots open
  • Listed as a sponsor in our Conference App, Whova, which is the main scheduling platform for the conference. Sponsors get to have their logos displayed throughout the app in a continuous rotating banner. These banners will appear in high-traffic sections of the app, such as: Home page, Agenda, and Profile.
  • Listed as a Conference App Sponsor on AAAE conference website, which is embedded on the AAAE website’s conference page
    • Sponsorship listing includes logo, description, and hyperlink (please send logo in square format (at least 500 x 500).
  • Leaderboard ad at leading up to and throughout the months of March, April, May, and June ($700 value).
  • On-screen and on-site recognition as Conference App Sponsor prior to all Keynotes, annual Membership Meeting, and daily sessions 
  • Listed as Conference App Sponsor in April and May AAAE newsletters and all Conference newsletters
  •  Included in three designated sponsor recognition emails 
    • One before the conference
    • One at the beginning of the conference
    •  One at the end of the conference
  • Sponsorship call-outs on AAAE social media channels
    • Three call-outs on AAAE Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn in April, May and June.
  • 50% Discount for all faculty/staff registrations after two regular registrations, 3 complimentary tickets for student registrations
Presenting Sponsor: $3,000 | one spot open
  • Listed as a Presenting Sponsor on AAAE conference website, embedded on the AAAE website’s conference page
    • Sponsorship listing includes logo, description, and hyperlink (please send logo in square format (at least 500 x 500).
  • Leaderboard ad at leading up to and throughout the months of April, May and June ($525 value).
  • On-screen and on-site recognition as Presenting Sponsor prior to all Keynotes, annual Membership Meeting, and daily sessions 
  • Listed as Presenting Sponsor in April and May AAAE newsletters and in the Digest preceding the conference
  • Included in three designated sponsor recognition emails 
    • One before the conference
    •  One at the beginning of the conference
    • One at the end of the conference
  • Sponsorship call-outs on AAAE social media channels 
    • Three call-outs on AAAE Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn in April, May and June.
  • 50% Discount for all faculty/staff registrations after two regular registrations
 Gold Level Sponsor: $2,000 | unlimited spots open
  • Listed as a Gold Level Sponsor on AAAE conference website, embedded on the AAAE website’s conference page
    • Sponsorship listing includes logo, description, and hyperlink (please send logo in square format (at least 500 x 500)
  • Leaderboard ad at throughout the months of April, May and June ($525 value).
  • On-screen and on-site recognition as Gold Level Sponsor prior to opening and closing Keynotes, annual Membership Meeting, and daily sessions 
  • Listed as a Gold Sponsor in April and May AAAE newsletters
  •  Included in two designated sponsor recognition emails 
    • One at the beginning of the conference
    • One at the end of the conference
  • Sponsorship call-outs on AAAE social media channels 
    • Two call-outs on AAAE Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn in April and May
 Silver Level Sponsor: $1,000 | unlimited spots open
  •  Listed as a Silver Level Sponsor on AAAE conference website, embedded on the AAAE website’s conference page
    •  Sponsorship listing includes logo, description and hyperlink (please send logo in square format (at least 500 x 500)
  • Leaderboard ad at throughout the months of April and May ($350 value).
  • On-screen and on-site recognition as Silver Level Sponsor prior to one Keynote and annual Membership Meeting
  •  Listed as a Silver Sponsor in April and May AAAE newsletters
  •  Included in two designated sponsor recognition emails 
    •  One at the beginning of the conference
    •  One at the end of the conference
  •  Sponsorship call-outs on AAAE social media channels 
    • Two call-outs on AAAE Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn in April and May
Bronze Level Sponsorship: $500 | unlimited spots
  •  Listed as a Bronze Level Sponsor on AAAE conference website, embedded on the AAAE website’s conference page
    •  Listing includes logo, description and hyperlink (please send logo in square format (at least 500 x 500).
  •  Listed as Bronze Level Sponsor prior to daily sessions
  •  Listed as a Sponsor in April and May AAAE newsletter
  • Included in two designated sponsor recognition emails 
    • One at the beginning of the conference
    •  One at the end of the conference
  •  Sponsorship call-outs on AAAE social media channels 
    •  One call-out on AAAE Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn in April and May
Friend Level Sponsorship: $250-$499 | unlimited spots
  • Listed as a Sponsor in April and May AAAE newsletter
  • Listed as a Friend Level Sponsor prior to daily sessions
  • Included in two designated sponsor recognition emails 
    • One at the beginning of the conference
    • One at the end of the conference
Please send all inquiries and promotional materials to Danielle Wyatt at [email protected]