AAAE currently administers two fellowship programs.
The Association of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE) hosts an annual, year-long Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Research Fellow to investigate the intersection of EDI and arts management programs. The Fellow works under the supervision of a Mentor. The Fellow is responsible for collecting data and helping create teaching resources for AAAE members on EDI issues and is open to all students currently enrolled in an arts administration graduate program or related fields or a recent (within 1 year) graduate of said program at the time of applying.
Arts Administrators Pipeline Fellowship
The Association of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE) with the support of the California Arts Council (CAC) is implementing a fellow-driven grant program, aimed at identifying approximately 11 emerging arts administrators for support. These selected individuals will be paired with an equal number of arts and culture organizations dedicated to equity and community engagement for a 12-month paid fellowship.
The program’s objectives are to support the professional growth of individuals who may not otherwise have the opportunity to develop their careers as arts administrators, and to enhance the capacity of arts organizations for authentic community engagement with their audiences. The AAAE and CAC recognize that access barriers can be compounded by factors such as socio-economic status, geographic isolation, gender identity, racial identity, and disability. Therefore, the program is committed to addressing these barriers to achieve greater equity.