Arts Management

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University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

This interdisciplinary major consists of courses in arts management, business, communication, and the arts, two internships, and a semester-long externship. With this major you will explore the interrelationship of the arts, communication skills, and business constraints that apply to the financing, producing, promoting, and marketing of the arts. In addition to artistic and cultural values, you will learn practical skills of organizational development, public relations, marketing, and leadership.

Goals and Objectives

By the time they complete the Arts Management major requirements, students will have gained the following competencies:
• Communicate effectively using appropriate technologies for diverse audiences;
• Articulate the role of the arts in community development and civic engagement;
• Differentiate for-profit and not-for-profit activities in the arts ecology;
• Apply principles of ethical decision making in arts management contexts;
• Apply business and communication skills in support of creative endeavor;
• Network effectively with artists and arts management professionals.


Arts Management Major (BA)

You must complete at least these minimum requirements (61-69 credits) with a GPA of 2.75 or higher:

1. Arts Management – 23 credits required

ARTM 195: Introduction to Arts Management
ARTM 280: Arts Management Internship
ARTM 380: Arts Management Internship
ARTM 395: Seminar in Arts Management
1) ARTM 480: Arts Management Capstone: Externship or
2) ARTM 485: Arts Management Capstone: Externship (London) plus 6 additional credits selected in consultation with the International Programs Office (fall and spring semesters only)

2. Business – 12 credits required

ACCT 210: Introductory Financial Accounting
BUS 320: Principles of Management
BUS 330: Principles of Marketing
BUS 340: Business Law & Ethics

3. Communication – 12 credits required

COMM 212: Writing for Professional Communication
COMM 230: Introduction to Public Relations
COMM 334: Public Relations Writing
Another Upper Level (300 level or above) Communication course

4. Creative arts – 18 credits required (6 credits must be 300 level or above).

At least 9 credits must come from Art, Theatre, Dance, Music or Media Studies.

Remaining electives may come from category A or from the following:
ARTM 300: Topics in Arts Management*
Visual arts, Media Arts, Literary Arts, or other courses with advisor approval

5. Foreign Language – 0-8 credits required (depending upon placement)

Other elective courses may be available.
* Indicates a variable-focus course. Course may be repeated for credit when different subtitles are offered.


Admission Procedures and Academic Standards for Arts Management Major

You may make an appointment to declare a major in arts management with Jim O'Connell, Arts Management Coordinator, Room 205, Communication Arts Center.

You must maintain a grade point average of 2.75 for all courses in the major, regardless of a declaration of academic bankruptcy, to continue in the major and for graduation.

Any major falling below a 2.75 GPA will be placed on probation in the Division of Communication. If you fail to regain a 2.75 GPA after the next semester in which you complete an Arts Management major course, you will be dismissed from the major.

Courses with a grade below C- DO NOT fulfill major requirements; however, grades for those courses will be calculated into your major GPA.

Transfer credit policy: Certain courses taken at other universities may substitute for courses in the major. Credits from these courses will be counted when calculating your GPA in arts management.

University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Jim O’Connell

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 715.346.3379

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