MacEwan University
If you have a passion for arts and culture, and can imagine yourself working for a theatre company, arts festival, museum or art gallery, consider our Arts and Cultural Management Diploma
Goals and Objectives
In our two-year diploma program, you learn the practical skills and specialized knowledge you need to enhance an organization's creative capacity.
Built on a theory-to-practice model that includes classroom discussion, individual and group projects, guest speakers, case studies and an eight-week practicum, the Arts and Cultural Management program provides you with a practical balance of academic course work and hands-on experience.
To complete program requirements, you take three types of courses: required core courses, Arts and Cultural Management option courses based on your areas of focus and elective courses that allow you to explore other interests.
Year one
In your first year, you learn about behind-the-scenes aspects of working in the creative sector. Topics include financial management, contract negotiations and resource development. You develop leadership skills and develop a strong understanding of cultural policy.
Field placement: If you are in the certificate program, your eight-week field placement takes place at the end of year one.
ENGL 102 - Analysis and Argument
AGAD 100 - Foundations of Arts and Cultural Management
AGAD 105 - Accounting in Arts and Cultural Management
AGAD 107 - Computer Applications in Arts and Cultural Management
MGMT 107 - Business Computing
AGAD 112 - Introduction to Audience and Resource Development
AGAD 120 - Managing and Leading in Arts and Culture
AGAD 320 - Leadership Seminar
AGAD 122 - Applied Audience and Resource Development
AGAD 123 - Human Resources in Arts and Cultural Management
Year two
In your second year, you apply concepts from year one to more advanced courses in audience and resource development. As well, you explore areas of particular interest through option courses, elective courses and projects. If you are in the diploma program, your eight-week field placement takes place in year two.
ENGL 103 - Introduction to Literature
AGAD 203 - Introduction to Project Management in Arts and Culture
AGAD 223 - Applied Project Management in Arts and Culture
AGAD 231 - Field Placement
AGAD 232 - Advanced Resource and Audience Development
AGAD 233 - Integration Seminar
Note that not all program courses are offered each year for online students. Because some courses are scheduled on a rotation, online students generally require three years to complete the diploma program.
AGAD 201 - Advocacy in the Cultural Sector
AGAD 301 - Cultural Policy and Advocacy
AGAD 209 - Publicity and Media Relations in the Arts
AGAD 225 - Performing Arts Management
AGAD 226 - Museum and Gallery Management
AGAD 227 - Managing in the Music Industry
AGAD 230 - Independent Study
AGAD 240 - Event Management
AGAD 300 - Practicum in Arts Management
AGAD 340 - Community Cultural Development and Engagement
The program of study may change from year to year.

MacEwan University
Leslie Vermeer
Annetta Latham
Heather Fitzsimmons Frey
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 780-497-4364
Junwei | Arts and Cultural Management