Jenny Thompson | Arts Administration


University of Kentucky: Arts Administration

CFA recently caught up with Jenny Thompson, who earned her Masters of Arts Administration from UKY in 2015, and asked what she has been up too since graduation. We were thrilled to learn that she is now the Senior Director of Development & Revenue Strategies at Gibney Dance Company in New York City.

Thompson, who also holds a Bachelor’s Degree from NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study in Dance Studies, Choreography, & Performance Writing, tells us that, not only does she still feel comfortable reaching out to her mentors, Dr. Shane and Professor Rabideau, but she occasionally refers to her course materials.

“I am such a big fan of the UKY online graduate program. It was the only one I came across that could accommodate my very busy NYC lifestyle, inclusive of a full time job in the field and a handful of part-time jobs on the side. Without the flexibility of this program and the way I was able to independently navigate it, graduate school would not have been an option. I was able to make it work for me, my current position in the field at the time, and came out a much more well-rounded arts administrator.”

University of Kentucky
205 Fine Arts Building
Lexington, KY 40506-0022
United States
