Best Paper by Emerging Arts Administration Educator

$250 worth of books / subscriptions

Sponsor: IntellectBooks

Eligibility & Guidelines:

Early career educators with up to five years of teaching experience are invited to elect to be considered for the prize. The prize is open to all accepted conference paper presenters, regardless of their membership status and geographic location. If you would like to be considered for this prize, please indicate so on the conference submission form. The final selection will be made during the conference, following an evaluation rubric devised by the Conference Evaluation Committee.

The winning paper will be announced at the conclusion of the AAAE’s conference in New York, and the awardee will receive $250 worth of IntellectBooks books and/or journal subscriptions of their choice. In addition, the winner and the runner up will be offered publishing opportunities by participating periodicals.


+ Maximum of 5 consecutive years of teaching experience in arts administration, arts management, cultural policy, arts leadership, cultural industries, entertainment, or related field is required.

+ Full-time and part-time faculty, including PhD students are eligible

+ AAAE membership isn’t required

+ To enter the prize contest, it is sufficient to check the relevant box on the conference submission form. No further action is required.

+ The awardee will be selected among accepted conference speakers who meet the teaching experience requirement

+  PhD isn’t required to be considered for the award, but PhD candidates/holders are strongly encouraged to apply
