Elise Pertusati | Arts Management


American University: Arts Management

Elise Pertusati earned her Master’s in Arts Management and graduate Certificate in International Arts Management at American University. She is a successful grant writer and development professional who is passionate about supporting museum sustainability and innovation. She is currently an Advancement Associate at the Smithsonian’s Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, where she works on exhibition fundraising, grants, stewardship, and the Museum’s capital campaign. She previously worked as a grant writing consultant and served as Executive Director of the Emerging Arts Leaders Symposium.

About AU: “The Arts Management program at AU was one of the best and easiest decisions I ever made. I had the opportunity to study with leading professionals alongside inspiring peers while completing two Smithsonian internships, a fellowship, and serving as the Executive Director of the Emerging Arts Leaders Symposium. The knowledge I gained and relationships that I built led to my current job and an incredible support system that I am leaning on now more than ever as we in the arts navigate an uncertain future.”

American University
Katzen Arts Center
4400 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 20016
United States
