Gregory Poggi
Gregory Poggi has over 20 years’ experience successfully leading resident professional theatres in the United State and Canada. He is a founder of the Indiana Repertory Theatre, Indianapolis, now in its 47th season. He served as managing director of the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre, Winnipeg, one of Canada’s premier companies and was founding chairman of the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres (PACT), Toronto. He next became artistic and producing director of the Philadelphia Drama Guild at the Annenberg Center of the University of Pennsylvania. His production history spans over 120 works, ranging from Shakespeare, Ibsen, Miller, Hansberry, and Beckett to new works and several American premieres, such as Graham Green’s and Dennis Canaan’s The Power and the Glory, and Michael Frayn’s Clouds.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 734-936-2837
University of Michigan
1226 Murfin Ave.
Walgreen Drama Center
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
United States